Love GoldenHeart

A World Full of Golden Hearts

By Christina Goebel

For ten years, GoldenHeart: How to Love Humanity was a benched book. I didn’t do much to publish it, though writing it had saved my life.

In 2017, when I considered which of my completed books to self-publish, I prayed and asked. I felt GoldenHeart was the answer, and I ventured into the publishing world to make it happen.

After I made the decision to publish this book, I found heart-shaped seashells for days, and heart-shaped potato chips. My husband found them too, and you should have seen his face when he opened this fortune in a fortune cookie: you have a heart of gold. I met people who told me things that let me know–this book had a destiny.

GoldenHeart’s goal? To teach you how to love yourself and humanity–a journey you will enjoy!

I am Christina Goebel and it’s nice to meet you! I have served humanity in many capacities, as a: wife, mom, waitress, restaurant manager, English teacher, conference coordinator, disability advocate, editor, author, poet, and artist. Everything I have done has contributed to this moment, when I get to share with you how to make your life rock so much more!

A head shot of author Christina Goebel smiling. She has red hair and green eyes. [Author persona.]

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